For more than 130 years, West Point’s Downtown has stood as a representation of the greater community.

When the rail lines came through and established the City as a major transfer spot between Georgia and Alabama, Downtown West Point grew to accommodate this strategic role. When the Civil War raged throughout the nation and the region, West Point’s Downtown changed and evolved accordingly as a military town with its proximity to Fort Tyler on the hill overlooking the City.

When the textile industry flourished along the banks of the Chattahoochee River, Downtown West Point proudly grew into this new role as a corporate base, a cultural center and regional destination. And when West Point fell on challenging economic times in the latter years of the 20th Century, downtown reflected the times with business closings and relocations, vacant and neglected buildings and diminished activity and viability.

While the closing of the last century brought about decline and neglect, the dawning of the new century welcomed a new hope and a new role for this resilient downtown. Over the last decade, Downtown West Point has become the centerpiece of the City’s revitalization and evidence of its strong determination to thrive once again. The downtown area has successfully reversed its course and now boasts a vibrancy generated by new activity across the economic spectrum.